Discover how to boost your presence, master conversations and succeed in business.

Are you ready to make 2021 your year and take your professional success to the next level? Getting more recognition, building stronger relationships, and making more money?

Intenisve starts May 12th

Be part of the Master Your People Skills Intensive
- Starting May 12th -

Who is the Master Your People Skills Intensive for?

Solopreneure, experts and employees who...

  • want to appear self-confident, competent and sovereign in every conversation and convince their interlocutors. (Without beeing manipulativ.)
  • wh would you like to finally be valued for their performance and ideas. (Imagine getting the credit you deserve.)
  • who wants to build trust and real connections to business partners, customers and employees quickly. (Even if you’ve had a hard time building a good relationship so far.)
  • who would like to recognize the problems of their customers and employees at an early stage and identify lies better? (Based on an scientific system.)
  • wo wants 2021 to be the year in which they take thier professional success to a new level? (Imagine that you have full control over your impact and can direct your success.)


In this 5-day live intensive I will show you my Instant Connection Model , which will help you improve your impact in the shortest possible time, read people and build better relationships with customers, employees and colleagues - and catapults your business to a new level.

Are you ready to develop your full potential and get off to a real start in 2021?

The one reason why we don't get the success we deserve in our job?

We are not using our full communication potential!

You will learn how you can master every conversation with confidence and take your business to the next level.

Over the years I have helped countless people to improve their effectiveness and to appear more competent, self-confident and sovereign, as well as correctly assessing the feelings, thoughts and personality of the interlocutors.

I myself struggled for a long time to communicate my performance correctly and to receive the recognition I had hoped for. I would now like to pass on this knowledge from over 10 years of research and training.

That’s why I’m so excited to invite you to my FREE Master Your People Skills Intensive …

Here you will find out how you can use your full communication potential and make 2021 your year of incredible personal and business success.

We will take a look behind the scenes and look at the mechanisms of human behavior and uncover the secrets of body language so that you get the recognition and success you deserve.

You will be provided with guidelines that can be implemented directly to consciously control your impact, correctly interpret the signals of your interlocutors and thereby build better relationships with customers, colleagues and employees.

Click on the button below and take part in the Master Your People Skills Intensive now.

Best regards

Meet your host

Hi, my name is Michael. I am an expert in body language and non-verbal communication and the inventor of the instant connection model. I support trainers, coaches, consultants and everyone who wants to be more successful in business to develop their full communicative strength.

As a business economist and business psychologist, I have been dealing with body language and human impact in a business context for over 15 years. After more than 10 years in the largest advertising agency in Europe, I decided to concentrate fully on passing on my knowledge and helping people to improve their effectiveness and to better recognize the body language signals of the interlocutors.

I also perform regularly as a mentalist and psychological magician and entertain audiences at company events, weddings and private celebrations with psychological experiments, influence their behavior and read their thoughts.

I want to make this experience and knowledge available to as many people as possible so that they get the recognition and success they deserve.

Häufig gestellte Fragen


Das Intensive  findet über einen Zeitraum von 5 Tagen statt und beginnt am Montag, den 15. März 2021. Wir beginnen [10:00] Uhr und jede Sitzung dauert ungefähr 60 Minuten.


Das tägliche Training wird direkt in unsere Facebook-Community gestreamt. Sobald Du dich  registriert hast, erhältst Du sofort Zugriff zur Gruppe.


Jedes Training dauert ungefähr 60 Minuten. Ich werden auch täglich „Hausaufgaben“ vorgeschlagen, die nicht länger als 15 Minuten dauern sollten.


Das Master Your People Skills Intensive ist für dich, wenn du Trainer, Coach, Berater oder einfach jemand bist, der mehr Erfolg in seinem Beruf haben will.
Egal ob du selbständig oder angestellt bist, ob du gerade erst anfängst oder schon längere Zeit tätig bist, ob du mit vielen oder wenigen Menschen zu tun hast, du kannst die Strategien in diesem Workshop für dich und deinen Businesserfolg anwenden.


Es ist eine Challenge in dem Sinne, dass ich jeden Teilnehmer herausfordere, sofort mit der Umsetzung des Gelernten zu beginnen. Es ist ein Workshop in dem Sinne, dass ich euch “Hot Seat”-Möglichkeiten anbiete, um das Training sofort auf dein persönliches Leben anzuwenden. Ich nenne dieses Event „Intensive“, da ich Dich Schritt für Schritt durch mein Instant Connection Modell führen werde, damit Du diese Taktiken und Strategien ab dem ersten Tag anwenden kannst. Die Inhalte, die wir behandeln werden, funktionieren JETZT und haben bereits für meine Kunden funktioniert. Mein Ziel für dich ist, dass Du dieses Wissen in die Tat umsetzen kannst und so schnell wie möglich Deine bestmögliche Wirkung erzielst und mehr Erfolg im Beruf hast.
Lass 2021 zu deinem Jahr werden!
Das Intensive funktioniert auch dann, wenn Du nicht viel so Zeit pro Tag investieren kannst, introvertiert bist oder Dich nicht so gerne in den Mittelpunkt stellst.